Peace Office Outpost Sarajevo, bpnb0399

While we tried to continue with our job, the World got shaken again. During the recent Bosnia crisis Milosevic is given all possibilities to strengthen his own position, and now he became some more: a NATO try-your-strength-machine.
I remember George Soros who had a lot of critics on the UN, but in the same time he mentioned it had to be supported, "it's the best thing we have". He got ignored more often, and this time NATO is doing it once more and at what strength. What a complication. Read our analyzes
Here is what we have this month:

Subject of this month are:

1. Brcko & Sarajevo - chronics & assassinations
2. SCH, as sharp as usual
3. Batleika in Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Dandelion Carpet
5. Nonsense