General and short analysis 05, Mei 2000


Dear readers,

Also we can not avoid the fact that the attention for ex Yugoslavia is fading away again. But well, what can you do? Slovenia is going quite normal, Croatia is slowly going that direction as well, Bosnie is trying to do it's best but the damned mountaind always makes things go slow, In Kosovo nothing is really functioning, Macedonia and Montenegro are operating very careful because of their big neighbor and Serbia itself is by now realy back into the middle-ages. As you know also a large part of the opposition is very nationalistic. Milosevic did it splendid again. He attacked the opposition media at large, but because this opposition was mainly in the hands of nationalistic forces, the future of the country, even with new foreign support, will not be much better. If the country is going down, Milosevic can stay where he is. You can prepare yourself for a new Sebia which will not be much different from the old one. Unfortunately my progressive ideas will not be satisfied with the upcomming fall of Milosevic. Nevertheless I do hope it will happen soon. In the mean time we ask you to get rid of you idea (if any) that all Serbians are barbarians because this way of thinking is supporting the xenofobic attitude in Serbia itself. Besides that, we do not want them to generalize about us so why should we do this about them?