the Peace Shop
Peace Office Eindhoven
View the day

On 25th of September the Peace Office Eindhoven, motherorganization of the Peace Office Outpost, organized a day with the title 'take a look over your own borders'. Four projects focussed on a particular situations abroad were highlighted. Besides the Peace Office Outpost also the 'Workgroup Balkan' was at present. They collect humantarian aid materials and transport these materials to the Balkan area. Besides that there was information about Tibet, Kurdistan and Fillipines.
A nice day with slightly too less people. For the peacemovement it is a dilemma how to attract many people for such activities without organizing moneywasting spectacle. The slogan 'Think globaly, Act Localy' is undermined by computer and television that brings the world into your livingroom. It turned out to be the greatest rival for the day.
Nevertheless it is a good idea to make this day a traditional happening so a sincere balance between information supply and spectacle can be found. And we hope that the televisionworldcitizens also will find some interest for their fellowcitizens.